Time:2024-03-21 Click:119
我很幸运没有遭受任何损失。 我唯一做的就是用40块钱买了EOS,最终跌到了12块,然后又回升,一共赚了5万元。 当时手里有几万个EOS。 现在是5元一个。 幸运的是,它被卖掉了。
这件事让我警醒了。 买币的时候绝对不能听别人的。 不管它们有多好,你都买不到它们,尤其是当很多人说它们好时。
持有的人都会致富,但卖掉的人就不会致富吗? 这完全不符合少数人赚钱的规律。
我会非常小心地对待它。 这是一个血淋淋的教训。 太多人死于eos之手。
我可以逃避,但我会反复思考这件事的开始是不正常的。 侥幸逃脱了。
能摔成这样,本来就是一件好事。 恐怕,为什么这么好却没有上涨呢? 那么一定还有更糟糕的事情,否则这可能是假的。
当你买一枚硬币时,不要问别人这枚硬币怎么样。 不管他们说好还是坏,都不会影响币的未来。
所以,不要迷信币圈权威。 一切都应该以事实为依据。 币的好坏只有一个标准:能长期上涨的币就是好币。
那些不断下跌或者不上涨的币都是垃圾币。 别说你的技术有多牛逼。 无论你做多少投资研究,实际上都没多大用处。
我们来谈谈索尔。 8u的时候很多人说要死了,后来就归零了。
我听过很多大V节目,也看过他们的文章。 他们说他们会死,不买,不买。
结果半年时间从谷底到30U,再到90U。 不要被阴谋论愚弄。 它只对华尔街资本家有利。
那么游戏呢? 人们也是用真金白银购买的。 事实是,他为那些敢于购买的人赚了很多钱。
买币是一种修行,持有币也是一种修行。 凡是谈论价格、新闻的人,都会牵动你的道心。
买卖都有各自的依据,但没有人知道谁对谁错。 未来只能用价格来证明。
People who buy without any logic may make a lot of money, while people who sell may miss out on a lot of analysis. Because there is a factor of luck in buying coins.
A person buys a coin and becomes rich. From then on, he has freedom of wealth and takes the money to live a happy life. This is his life. You can't learn it at all. How to copy luck?
If you don't make a fortune, it's because your time has not come yet, and you still have to endure it, but I dare say that as long as you are in this market, you or you have chips in your hands, you will definitely make a fortune.
The currency circle is an incremental market. If you suffer less and accumulate slowly, you will definitely make a lot in the end.
I summarize the advantages of ordering strategies to avoid losses in the currency circle: hold on swap positions sell swings contracts.
To sum up, you can make the most money by holding on without moving.
Even if you don’t understand anything, you can calculate the valuation and buy a new project in the early stages of a bull market with a market value of less than US$100 million, such as now.
Then as long as you hold it still, and would rather return to zero than move, you can make the most money.
Those who only make a small profit by selling it will not make a fortune by holding on to any target without selling it.
Because this is a long-term rising incremental market. The incremental market will definitely drive a certain target to rise.
This strategy seems stupid but is actually the best. If you want to make a fortune by buying Bitcoin, you need a lot of money and a long time.
Changing positions well requires good luck and a good grasp of sector rotation. It's very, very difficult, and you can't beat someone who has long experience.
People who sell are usually in a hurry. I have observed that those who sell in a hurry can only make a small amount of money, and there is absolutely no possibility of making a fortune. If you want to make a fortune, don't be the one who sells in a hurry.
People in the swing band will make less money in the end, maybe 9 times out of 10, and they will miss it if they sell out once. Even if there is no loss, the swing will make a lot less money. Because it will definitely sell out once. For good coins, if they are sold once, few people have the courage to buy them back again.
As for the contract. I was ranked last, and I couldn’t play at all without the information advantage.It will definitely be a loss in the end#ETH #sol #BTC
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