
Virginia plans $17,000 budget for blockchain and crypto commission

Time:2024-02-20 Click:96


Virginia proposes $17,192 in annual funding for 2025 and 2026 for its Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Council to research and recommend blockchain technology.

The grant is part of a broader effort to support the state's participation in emerging technologies, according to a report released Sunday.


The Artificial Intelligence Commission will receive $22,048 per year during the same time frame and the Virginia Autism Advisory Council will receive $12,090 per year to distribute funds among state commissions.

The Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Committee was established during the 2024 legislative session and is now part of the legislative branch, consisting of 15 members. The committee aims to conduct research and provide broader advice on blockchain technology (the backbone of cryptocurrencies) and digital assets.

It is reported that the designated funds are mainly used to cover operating expenses, including conference travel expenses. #加密货币 #区块链技术

标签:blockchain crypto CRYPTO

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