Time:2024-02-10 Click:175
2024 年十大加密友好国家一文首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上
加密货币塑造了世界的金融格局。 然而,由于其不稳定的性质,它们被认为是不安全的。 由于该地区严格的监管条件,许多国家尚未完全接受它们。 另一方面,他们中的一些人张开双臂支持采用数字货币! 他们根据加密货币在其地区的操作难易程度制定了规则和法规。
Coinpedia 的这份报告汇集了人们在查找 2024 年十大加密货币友好国家时需要了解的所有有意义的信息!
加密货币的采用和扩展很大程度上受到该地区现行监管环境的影响。 法律明确性、合规性、公司吸引力、操作便捷性和创新促进对于数字资产的无缝运行发挥着非常重要的作用。 他们需要明确地区法律。 加密时代的出现得益于明确的税收规则和政府援助。 以下是对加密货币友好的国家名单,这些国家在虚拟货币方面的法律和税收负担较轻。 让我们潜入吧!
除了金色的海滩和地中海气候之外,葡萄牙还以其对加密货币的友好而自豪。 你知不知道怎么?
葡萄牙的加密货币交易是免税的。 是的,你没有看错! 对于个人投资者来说,买卖加密货币所获得的利润是免税的,只要不是主要收入来源且持有代币超过365天。
提供加密服务的公司仍需缴纳资本利得税(目前税率为 28% 至 35%)。 直到 2023 年 1 月,葡萄牙政府才出台了针对加密货币投资收入征税的具体法规,但这些法规通常被认为比其他欧洲司法管辖区更为优惠。
马耳他被称为“区块链岛”是有原因的! 这是一个加密避税天堂。 马耳他承认比特币和其他加密货币是“记账单位、交换媒介或价值储存手段”。 这仅仅意味着,只要加密货币被视为“价值储存手段”,人们就无需为出售加密货币的长期收益缴纳资本利得税。 这对持币者来说不是很好吗? 加密货币交易被视为类似于日内交易股票或股票。 因此,他们的企业所得税率为 35%! 马耳他税收制度内有一些结构选项,可让您将该税率降低至 0% 至 5% 之间,具体取决于您的收入多少和您的居住地。
There are regulatory advantages here like legal clarity, innovative development, investor protection schemes, international recognition and a safe environment to trade crypto in 2024!
The leading Asian fintech hub, Singapore, is a hotspot for crypto! It has a supportive framework for regulating cryptocurrency in 2024. Let us see how!
The payment Services act here regulated crypto under the supervision of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
It does not tax crypto profits made by individuals unless they are derived from trading activities!
It has no capital gains tax on trading profits. Thus, its fiscal system attracts investors who do not have to pay hefty taxes.
It has a well-established crypto infrastructure and robust legal framework when it comes to virtual currency!
Do you know the Swiss city of Zug is called Crypto valley? It hosts many renowned crypto firms like Ethereum Foundation, and many more. Switzerland has a very favourable regulatory scenario for crypto!
Any crypto income or capital gains earned for individual investors is considered completely tax free.
The country has a progressive stance on crypto regulation.
If a person is trading or mining crypto on a professional level, he might be subjected to slight wealth tax anywhere from 0.5% to 0.8%. This tax applies to all assets, not just crypto. So, Switzerland can be an excellent option for those looking to relocate and get the most out of their investments.
El Salvador
The country tops the list of one of the most crypto friendly countries in 2024. El Salvador became the first country to classify Bitcoin as a legal tender.
El Salvador’s Bitcoin-friendly president, Nayib Bukele, is again set to have another five-year term, according to exit polls which show him with an overwhelming lead shortly after voting ended February first week!
In 2021, El Salvador became the first nation to adopt the largest cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) as legal tender, developed and introduced a crypto wallet Chivo to enhance bitcoin adoption and also started buying the asset as an investment.
Slovenia has embraced crypto quite willingly! The well defined regulations here provide the confidence we need to work with digital assets. The government here encourages the transition to blockchain technology.
Slovenia has the highest market cap in crypto per capita, representing a high success rate of blockchain startups in the country.
The ease in crypto regulations have made the country crypto friendly.
It has no capital gains tax and no mining VAT. A minor 25% income tax is applicable if one mines crypto.
Canada is a center for technological developments in businesses and is a global leader in the development of blockchain and crypto technology.
The well defined regulatory system strikes a balance between protecting investors and fostering innovation.
Crypto is taxed on capital gains since the nation views them as commodities rather than as legal money. This enables both individuals and companies to estimate their tax liabilities in light of gains or losses from Bitcoin investments.
Canada also has clear standards and reporting requirements for taxpayers engaging in crypto in 2024.
Germany has a unique approach when it comes to crypto! It does not recognize crypto as an asset but as private money.
There is no better place for long-term investors other than Germany as it has no long-term capital gains tax.
It is a home to several blockchain companies. It is also the early adopter of crypto payments.
Since 2013, Bitcoin has been recognized as a legal form of payment in Germany.
If currency is held for a year, the crypto profits are not subject to taxes.
Cayman Island
The Ledn-Parallel collaboration makes the place one of the most crypto-friendly places for real estate investment as well. Cayman Islands is a crypto tax haven as crypto businesses and individual investors are exempt from taxes.
The place does not impose any restrictions or licensing needs that are targeted at owning, holding or trading cryptocurrency!
The country is progressive in its approach towards crypto as it has no legislation on crypto trading and no tax laws.
Georgia is one of the best crypto spaces when it comes to trading virtual currencies. It is a tax-free nation! The Georgian ministry of Finance mentions that individuals in this country are exempt from any income tax on profits from selling crypto. Georgia does not call crypto “Georgia-sourced” and it is not subject to Capital Gains Tax in Georgia. does not recognize cryptocurrency as an official means of payment, but at the same time, it favors the development of this type of activity in the country. Currently , the local cryptocurrency sector is supervised and regulated by the National Bank of Georgia.
Owning cryptocurrencies in Georgia is absolutely legal. Trading cryptocurrency is also allowed. Moreover, individuals trading crypto in Georgia benefits from a 0% income tax rate. It suggests Zero Tax to pay on profit when liquidating your crypto assets in Georgia.
Georgia’s regulatory bodies are very crypto-friendly. Ministry of Finance’s statement in 2019 that provides the market with the framework for the taxation of the crypto sector. These tax provisions significantly increased the likelihood of mining, selling, and trading cryptocurrency in Georgia.
An individual resident of Georgia is exempt from taxation on income generated by selling cryptocurrencies.
If a legal entity in Georgia is engaged in mining and trading cryptos, no VAT is applicable. Only a 15% CIT and a 5% dividend tax are due if the distribution occurs. Undistributed and reinvested profits are therefore tax-free.
随着时间的推移,许多国家正在将重点转向加密货币的采用,并为其创造一个安全的空间。 如果我们考虑 2024 年,我们会说我们已经离起点很远了。 在少数几个国家,我们有很多人正在意识到加密货币的潜力。 当列表中有新成员时,我们 Coinpedia 会及时向您通报最新情况!