Time:2023-12-29 Click:176
囤币法是最简单也是最难的玩法。 最简单的原因就是买了某个币或者几个币后,持有半年或者一年多没有操作。 基本上,最低利润是十倍。 但新手看到高额利润,或者币价跌一半的时候,很容易打算换车或者下车。 很多人一个月不手术都很难坚持,更不用说一年了。 所以这其实是最难的。
使用部分闲钱,最好不超过本金的五分之一。 这种方法适合玩市值20-100的币,因为至少你不会被卡太久。 例如,如果您购买第一个山寨币,并且它上涨了 50% 或更多,您可以将其兑换成下一个暴跌的币,依此类推。 如果你被第一个山寨币困住了,那就继续等待,牛市一定能解套。 前提是货币不能太骗人。 这个玩法其实不太好控制,所以新手需要谨慎。
在牛市中,基本上你买的任何币都会上涨。 资金就像一个巨大的沙漏,慢慢渗入每一个币,从大币开始。 币价上涨有一个明显的规律,即主导币种先上涨,如BTC、ETH、DASH、ETC等,然后主流币种开始上涨,如LTC、XMR、EOS、NEO、QTUM然后没有上涨的币种就会普遍上涨,比如RDN、XRP、ZEC等,然后各种小币依次上涨。 但如果比特币上涨,你就选择下一个尚未上涨的级别的币,然后开始建仓。
抄底方式:委托80%币价买入十分之一子弹仓,委托70%币价买入十分之二子弹仓,委托60%币价买入子弹位置的十分之三。 仓位,佣金50%币价购买十分之四的子弹仓位。
指标参数设置为MA5、MA10、MA20、MA30、MA60,级别选择为一日线。 如果当前价格位于MA5和MA10线上方,则坚定持有。 如果MA5跌破MA10,则卖出货币; 如果MA5升破MA10,则买入并建仓。
6. Violent coin hoarding method: Make coins that you are familiar with. This is only suitable for long-term high-quality coins.
There is a liquid fund, and the current price of a certain currency is 8 US dollars. Then entrust it to buy it for 7 US dollars. When the purchase is successfully executed, it will entrust it to sell it for 8.8 US dollars. Profits to hoard coins. Use working capital to wait for the next opportunity. Dynamically adjust based on current price. If you have three such opportunities a month, you can accumulate a lot of coins. The formula is that the opening price is equal to the current price multiplied by 90%, and the selling price is equal to the current price multiplied by 110%!
7. AceO's violent compound interest method: Continuously participate in SM. When the new currency increases by 3-5 times, take away the principal and invest in another SM. The profit will continue to be retained and the cycle will continue.
8. Cyclic band method: Find a black car currency like ETC, add positions when the price of the currency continues to fall, continue to add positions when it falls again, and then continue to sell when you make a profit, and the cycle continues.
9. Violent gameplay with small coins: If you have 10,000 yuan, divide it into ten parts and buy ten different types of small coins. The ones with a price of less than 3 yuan are the best. After buying, leave it alone. If the price does not increase 3-5 times, the price will not be shipped. If the position is locked, the price will not be shipped. If a certain coin has tripled, take away the principal of 1,000 yuan and put in a small coin. Then the compound interest income is exaggerated!