Time:2023-12-27 Click:158
2019年6月,NULS NTC开发者Berzeck提交了NULS提案,设定了NULS币的最大供应量。 该提案得到了97.23%社区选民的接受。 如今,Berzeck 担任 NULS 西部总监。
在Berzeck提出之前,NULS每年新增500万个NULS。 新创建的NULS将奖励给NULS共识节点和共识节点的质押者。 该提案导致每月NULS代币减少0.41%,直至总供应量达到2.1亿个NULS。 届时,将不再创建新的NULS。 首次月度减少发生在2020年7月12日。2064年7月NULS总供应量将达到2.1亿个。
最初,NULS的设计目标是每年创建500万条新闻NULS(每月约416,667条),且没有供应限制。 考虑到NULS的长期福祉,持续的通货膨胀和无限增加的供应与可持续发展和有机价值增长是相反的。 于是,Berzeck提议将总供应量限制在2.1亿。
该提案描述了 NULS 币的综合通胀和通货紧缩机制。 共识节点每月创建的NULS将逐渐减少,直至达到2.1亿的总供应量。 到时候就不会再创建NULS了。 通货膨胀是每月创建的NULS,减去通货紧缩,即每月复合减少0.41%。 (见图1)由于分配给共识节点的奖励是当月创建的NULS因通货紧缩而减少,因此共识节点的奖励逐月减少。
请注意,这是一个渐进的现象。 无需惊慌或重新考虑您当前的投资计划。 到 2036 年,共识数量将达到 416,667 的 1/2!
请注意,这是一个渐进的现象。 无需惊慌或重新考虑您当前的投资计划。 到 2036 年,共识数量将达到 416,667 的 1/2!
NULS通缩机制内置于NULS 2.0代码中,并于2020年7月12日激活。从2020年7月12日开始,共识奖励每月减少。
这里是每月共识奖励的逐步减少。 NULS从1.1亿NULS增加到2.1亿NULS用了64年,同时每个月创建的NULS数量减少了0.0041%。
比特币减半的实施方式是:“每开采 210,000 个区块后,或者大约每四年,给予比特币矿工处理交易的区块奖励就会减少一半。 这一事件被称为减半,因为它将新比特币释放到流通中的速度降低了一半。” ( https://www.investopedia.com/bitcoin-halving-4843769 )
Why not use the Bitcoin Halving implementation? We receive this question from our community from time to time.There are economic and security reasons why that Bitcoin implementation is not used for NULS.
Token Economic Reasons
The rewards miners receive are based on the POW, Proof of Work, mechanism. Miners who want to participate in BTC mining invest in expensive mining machines. As the Bitcoin rewards are halved, suddenly miners are competing for 50% smaller rewards, while their total mining cost remains the same. Miners find they are earning less, yet they continue to because of their financial investment.
NULS supports POS, Proof of Stake, which is a gradual decrease in rewards. However, if NULS halved the consensus rewards, suddenly the consensus incentive is 50% less. Where the POW miners paid a high cost for their mining equipment and remain tied to POW due to their mining investment, the POS miners paid less for their server as POS miners do not compete for the rewards by solving a problem. Instead, POS miners maintain good credit and wait for their turn to receive the rewards. (This is a simplified explanation.)
Therefore, if the rewards were halved, POS miners are likely to choose to withdraw their coins and participate in another consensus with a higher APR. Therefore, from an economic perspective, the halving mechanism is not a suitable solution for a POS blockchain like NULS.
Security Reasons
From a cybersecurity perspective, the halving model does not suit NULS POS. If the current NULS consensus rewards remained at 5 million NULS annually, the consensus staking ratio (NULS staked in the consensus nodes versus Total NULS available) is maintained at ~56%, and the consensus staking APR would be maintained at ~10%.
In the halving situation, consensus nodes and consensus node stakers would suddenly be earning 50% of what they were originally earned. To restore the APR, 50% of the current consensus nodes would be disbanded and the node owners would seek better opportunities, With 50% fewer nodes the consensus staking ratio would be 23%, i.e. NULS staked in the consensus node versus Total NULS available.
When the halving occurred again, the consensus staking ratio would be reduced to ~11.5%. That means 89.5% of the current supply of NULS is available. Given that the minimum cost to create a consensus node is 220,000 NULS, it is possible for additional consensus nodes to be created to position NULS for a 51% attack. Then, the NULS network is compromised.
Please note this is a potential scenario, not a fact. This scenario occurs because the consensus rewards income is halved suddenly, instead of reduced gradually as it is done in NULS.
This discussed consequence applies in every POS blockchain where a sudden halving will cause an APR drop, thus affecting the staking ratio, and thereby exposing the entire blockchain to security threats. From the perspective of security, the halving model doesn’t apply to POS blockchain.
为了维护NULS区块链的稳定性和所有NULS持有者的福祉,总供应量设定为210,000,000。 好处是:
NULS社区的大门始终向全球的开发者和贡献者敞开。 在这里,我们一起创造有价值的东西,让区块链变得更容易,让每个人都更容易使用区块链。 我们相信区块链将以我们从未见过的方式塑造世界!