It is reported by BlockBeats that next week, several important economic events and data releases, including interest rate decisions by the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, and the Bank of Japan, are scheduled.
On Thursday, the United States will release EIA natural gas inventory data and the number of unemployment insurance claims. In addition, the Bank of Canada will release the minutes of the financial policy meeting. The Federal Reserve will release interest rate decisions and economic outlooks, followed by a press conference by Chairman Jerome Powell. The Bank of England will also release interest rate decisions and meeting minutes on the same day.
在加密货币的世界中,黑天鹅事件是令所有人感到惊讶并对市场产生巨大影响的时刻。比特币似乎又经历了一个这样的时刻。FTX 交易所破产。客户失去了资金,公司陷入了混乱。对于加密货币社区来说,这是悲伤的一天。这一结果令加密社区感...
在加密货币世界中,黑天鹅事件是让所有人都感到惊讶并对市场产生巨大影响的时刻。比特币似乎刚刚经历了另一个这样的时刻。FTX 交易所破产了。客户损失了资金,公司陷入混乱。对于加密货币社区来说,这是悲伤的一天。这一结果震惊了加...
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