Time:2024-09-24 Click:617
According to Odaily, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin recently shared insights from his fireside chat at the Home Staking Summit in Singapore. He discussed the practical value of independent stakers, including small businesses and community stakers, to the network and explored potential changes at the Layer 1 (L1) level to better support these stakers. Here are the key points from his discussion:
Vitalik 强调了独立质押者的双重角色,称他们既是抵御审查的“第一道防线”,也是“最后一道防线”,可以防止 67% 的错误链最终确认。他强调了去中心化的重要性,并指出独立质押者通常不隶属于大型组织,因此他们不太容易受到监管或胁迫。这增强了以太坊作为可靠中立区块空间的地位。
在网络安全方面,Vitalik 讨论了将共识门槛从 67% 提高到 85% 以加强安全性的可能性。不过,他承认这可能会带来新的挑战,例如降低阻止最终确认的攻击的成本。他还提出了一个有趣的资源分配观点,认为当前系统可能为防止 33% 攻击付出了过高代价,并建议重新分配资源以加强对更严重攻击的防御。
Vitalik stressed the importance of increasing the number of independent stakers, making them a crucial component of the current final confirmation threshold. He also explored measures that the Ethereum base layer (L1) could take to better support and encourage independent staking.