Time:2024-06-29 Click:130
美国财政部国税局将要求加密货币经纪商像传统投资公司一样提交 1099 表格,但去中心化金融 (DeFi) 运营和非托管钱包提供商将不得不等待今年晚些时候出台自己的规则。
周五发布的规则将从 2025 年开始对交易生效,并要求经纪人从 2026 年开始密切关注客户代币的成本基础。
美国国税局不会要求报告大多数常规稳定币销售,并且对 NFT 收益设置了 600 美元的年度门槛,超过该门槛才需要报告。
周五发布的美国国税局 (IRS) 针对加密货币经纪商的新规则要求交易平台、托管钱包服务和数字资产亭提交有关客户资产变动和收益的披露。这些资产还将包括(在非常有限的情况下)稳定币,例如 Tether 的 {{USDT}} 和 Circle Internet Financial 的 {{USDC}} 以及高价值非同质化代币 (NFT),尽管美国国税局明确拒绝解决关于代币应被视为证券还是商品的长期争论。
虽然这项规则主要针对 Coinbase Inc. (COIN) 和 Kraken 等最知名的平台,但非托管加密货币企业(例如去中心化交易所和非托管钱包提供商)只是暂时摆脱了新的备案要求。该机构认为,处理“绝大多数”交易的流行加密货币平台已经等不及制定规则了,但其他问题需要进一步研究,它们将在“今年晚些时候”制定自己的规则。
对于更常用的经纪商来说,最终规则从 2025 年 1 月 1 日的交易开始,让加密货币纳税人有另一个报税年,在此期间,他们必须自己计算 2024 年的回报,尽管加密货币公司已经开始适应。美国国税局又给了经纪商一年时间,直到 2026 年,让他们开始跟踪资产的“成本基础”——即最初购买每笔资产的金额。
法规称,2026 年 1 月 1 日之后使用加密货币支付的房地产交易也需要报告。“房地产报告人员”必须提交此类交易中使用的数字资产的公平市场价值。
国会 2021 年的一项基础设施法案为财政部国税局建立这种正式的加密货币方法奠定了基础,但自那以后,该行业一直对不断推迟的流程感到沮丧。最终的提案吸引了 44,000 条公众评论。
税务政策代理助理部长阿维瓦·阿隆-戴恩 (Aviva Aron-Dine) 在一份声明中表示:“纳税人必须缴纳所得税。通过实施法律的报告要求,这些最终法规将帮助纳税人更轻松地缴纳现行法律规定的税款,同时减少富裕投资者的逃税行为。”
The U.S. tax regulators estimated about 15 million people will be affected by the new rule, and about 5,000 firms will need to comply.
The IRS said it tried to avoid some burdens on users of stablecoins, especially when used to buy other tokens and in payments. Basically, a normal crypto investor and user who doesn't earn more than $10,000 on stablecoins in a year is exempted from the reporting. Stablecoin sales – the most frequent in the crypto markets – will be tallied collectively in an "aggregated" report rather than as individual transactions, the agency said, though more sophisticated and high-volume stablecoin investors won't qualify. The agency said that these tokens "unambiguously fall within the statutory definition of digital assets as they are digital representations of the value of fiat currency that are recorded on cryptographically secured distributed ledgers," so they couldn't be exempted despite their aim to hew to a steady value. The IRS also said that totally ignoring those transactions "would eliminate a source of information about digital asset transactions that the IRS can use in order to ensure compliance with taxpayers’ reporting obligations."
But the IRS added that if Congress passes one of its bills that would regulate stablecoin issuers, the tax rules may have to be revised.
The tax agency also faced complex legal arguments in determining how to handle NFTs, according to its extensive notes on that topic, and the agency decided that only taxpayers who makes more than $600 in a year from their NFT sales need their aggregated proceeds reported to the government. The resulting filings will include the taxpayers' identifying information, the number of NFTs sold and what the profits were. "The IRS intends to monitor NFTs reported under this optional aggregate reporting method to determine whether this reporting hampers its tax enforcement efforts," according to the rule text. "If abuses are detected, the IRS will reconsider these special reporting rules for NFTs."
As part of its efforts, the IRS published its definition for digital assets and the various activities covered by Friday's regulations.
The IRS also defined a safe harbor for certain reporting requirements "on which taxpayers may rely to allocate unused basis of digital assets to digital assets held within each wallet or account of the taxpayer as of Jan. 1, 2025," it said.
Earlier this year, the U.S. tax agency had released a proposed 1099-DA form to track crypto transactions – the form that millions of crypto investors would receive from their brokers.
Read More: IRS Unveils Form Your Broker May Send Next Year to Report Your Crypto Moves
美国国税局周五澄清说,该规则中任何试图将加密资产划分为不同类别的尝试,都不是要支持该行业与监管机构(特别是美国证券交易委员会 (SEC))之间持续的斗争,即定义代币是证券还是商品。目前,联邦法官正在审理几起案件,这场争论非常激烈。虽然 SEC 只愿意承认比特币 {{BTC}} 绝对超出了该机构的管辖范围,但商品期货交易委员会主席 Rostin Behnam 表示,以太坊的以太币 {{ETH}} 也是一种商品。美国国税局解释说,这种立场“超出了这些最终法规的范围”。
Nikhilesh De 对本文亦有贡献。