
什么是小费加密货币?它的 Web3 游戏、未来和代币经济学

Time:2024-04-06 Click:88



Just The Tip 成为头条新闻,加密媒体将其称为“下一个大型 Solana 项目”

随着模因币行业的快速发展,Solana 代币比以往任何时候都更受欢迎。 Solana 生态系统中名为 Just The Tip ($TIPS) 的突破性项目引发了很多热议。

什么是小费 ($TIPS)?

Just the Tip 是一个以 memecoin 为中心的项目,他们目前正在开发 NFT 系列,并且已经推出了一款游戏。他们在粉红拍卖中仅用了 37 分钟就筹集了 500 Solana,这令人印象深刻。他们将于本周六推出代币,但尚未可供购买,因为它仍在粉红色销售池中。他们将在 Pinkel 上完成预售,并在 Flux Beam 上列出。



Just the Tip 的目标是将 Solana 生态系统与技巧、NFT 和基于网络的游戏结合在一起。他们有着雄心勃勃的目标,目前正在开发 NFT 系列,该系列已售出 1,000 个中的 720 个。

此外,NFT 看起来很酷,每张售价 69 Solana。虽然 NFT 的用途尚未透露,但值得密切关注。


代币社区将其描述为一场革命性运动。 $TIPS 将区块链技术与社区和娱乐相结合,创造了吸引用户的沉浸式体验。



硬币来夸张地描述自己。 Tips 不仅仅是另一种加密货币;它也是一种加密货币。这是一个运动。此外,该项目旨在通过使用 Solana(一种改变游戏规则的区块链)以我们梦想的方式彻底改变世界。

Just the Tip 就是要打破障碍,打开通向社区的大门,在这个社区中,包容性不仅仅是一个流行词;而是一个社区。这是一个咒语。他们不仅憧憬着更美好的未来,而且还憧憬着更美好的未来。他们同时构建了一个社区、NFT 集合和基于网络的游戏。

Just the Tip 背后的团队起步规模很小,但他们绝对可以赢得人气,这就是模因币飙升的原因。此外,很明显,狗狗币和其他模因币一开始只是一个笑话,但它们却呈抛物线式增长。

为什么像 Just a Tip 这样的 Solana 项目正在蓬勃发展

Solana 旨在解决区块链最大的问题之一,即验证交易所需的时间。它通过开发独特的共识机制来实现这一目标,该机制优先考虑速度而不是去中心化。 Solana 在这方面的努力之一就是创建 Solana 生态系统。

The Solana ecosystem is a high-speed platform for building decentralized apps (dApps) that offers state-of-the-art security and a cost-efficient solution for developers. It’s an attractive option for tokens like $TIPS and can accommodate around 500 dApps. Its rapid growth reflects how the ecosystem will continue to advance.

The Solana ecosystem achieves its high speed by combining optimized data propagation, parallel processing, and leveraging hardware. It employs a combination of consensus mechanisms, which it calls “eight-core innovations,” to become the first web-scale blockchain in the world. Solana’s computation technology can support thousands of operator nodes, providing high scalability and transaction throughput within the network’s bandwidth. It can handle up to 400,000 TPS at its peak.

Web3 Game Of Just The Tip

Just the Tip has already created a web3 game, which is available for demo version gameplay. Dive into excitement and explore this new gaming experience as you immerse yourself in the gameplay. It’s not just another digital currency or NFT as described on their website.

This is not a complicated web three game. The player will be controlling a rocket ship and shooting different asteroids with different resistance to their bullets. Sometimes at a certain point, they start falling down. Additionally, if a player gets hit by one, they can choose different power-ups.

To access their socials, one can join them. Since TIPS haven’t launched the tokens yet, any user can’t buy them yet, but once they do, an investor can purchase their token through Jupiter Flux Beam.

Tokenomics of TIPS

The project’stokenomicsare designed to be simple. No extra tokens can be created and the ability to freeze tokens has been revoked. The entire circulating supply is 100%, with no team tokens. The Remaining 10% are allocated for marketing partnerships and potential centralized exchanges. This is why they are holding 10%.

For pre-sale, the economics have been 50%, with 50% unlocked. Out of the 50% that’s still left, 10% is reserved for those means, and the other 40% will be listed.

They’ll be working on more, incorporating Byn NFTs to excite the community and share the tips journey. Exciting web 3 games are important, and they’re not just a AAA game. Just The Tip is creating games that people can easily play and enjoy as they’re looking to cater to the majority of investors.

Future of Memecoins

Recently, the memecoin industry boomed as they have become popular. The launch of new meme coins, such as Solana-based ‘dogwifhat’ (WIF) and Book of Meme (BOME), along with older meme coins, resulted in a total capitalization of $70 Billion for meme coins.

Industry analysts in the crypto space have labeled this bull market cycle as the “weirdest” ever, due to Bitcoin’s ‘premature’ all-time high and the massive rush towards meme coins.



标签:Web 加密 加密货币 货币

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