
BTC and ETH Price Analysis: March 7, 2024

Time:2024-03-07 Click:122

Let’s take a look at yesterday’s article. The time was 12.30 on March 7, 2024. The position of BTC was 62K when it was written, and it was 63K when it was published. The highest intraday reached 67641. The release position of ETH is 3500, and the highest level during the day is 3900. Looking at this article now, do you think it is the wisest choice for me to ask you to replenish the spot and buy the bottom?Someone just said that speaking out at this time is just an afterthought. Again, the article is synchronized across all platforms and cannot be modified. Moreover, I know that you have lost money in this market, so you came out to scold me, and I am sure that you will lose money. , because you are destined to lose money. When it goes up, you ask to sell, and when it goes down, ask to buy. I said you can buy it, but you don’t dare to buy it. Even if the market drops to 15K again, I dare to believe that you will not dare to buy it, because it is yours. By nature, the market is made of these leeks.Why do you think you will lose money in the future? Because I said you can’t grasp the selling point even when buying, you have to be very patient when buying. This cycle may be three or four years, and the selling point is nothing more than a window period of a few days. If you run a few days later, what will be waiting for you is With profit taking and principal returning to zero, you will not and cannot know when a bear market begins.All friends who are ready to complain, remember what I said: If Bitcoin has reached a new historical high and you still haven’t made any money, then if there is a bear market in the future, you will definitely lose the most. Don’t doubt it, you must be one of the leeks. . BTCANDETHPRICEANALYSISMARCH72024


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