
Artificial Intelligence Drives Crypto Market Gains, Inscription Sector Poised for Explosive Growth

Time:2024-02-23 Click:118

The bottom accumulation in ordi and sats has been quite thick this time which is a welcome sign as they are poised for a higher jump. In recent days, performance in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has driven gains in the crypto market, with mainstream tokens such as lpt, wld, arkm, agix, fet, ai, and emerging on-chain artificial intelligence tokens all experiencing sharp gains. . Compared with the current high point, what deserves more attention are those sectors that have not yet started.In this round of market conditions, the only certain sector rotation target is undoubtedly Inscription, and its performance is expected to be more violent than artificial intelligence. On the 22nd, Binance launched the Inscription event. Lao Lin personally believes that Ordi will break through 100. If Ordi does break through 100, then the Inscription sector will definitely set off a wave of craze. My view is that as things heat up, Ordi is poised to benefit from the market enthusiasm, providing strong impetus for further gains in the Inscription sector. ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCEDRIVESCRYPTOMARKETGAINSINSCRIPTIONSECTORPOISEDFOREXPLOSIVEGROWTH

标签:crypto CRYPTO FOR

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