
The Unstoppable Power of the United States: A Shift in Global GDP Dynamics

Time:2024-02-18 Click:82

Many people in our country speak ill of the United States:But the real United States is too powerful. The United States’ per capita GDP is US$70,000. Japan, which caught up with and surpassed it at the time, now has a per capita GDP of US$35,000.Back then, Europe's per capita GDP was about the same as that of the United States, but now it is far behind the United States.In recent years, China and the United States have been advancing rapidly. If you take away the growth of China and the United States, you will find that India is the main force of growth in the world.The key is that the per capita GDP of the United States is already so high, and the speed is very fast. Looking at the latest intelligent computing and AI development, it is already an era ahead of us.At that time, everyone thought that our total GDP would surpass that of the United States within ten years. However, in the past few years, the United States has widened the gap.Looking at our GDP, the gap with the United States has widened again. It seems impossible to surpass the United States now.The U.S.'s lead in finance and technology is currently invincible, and there is no hope of catching up.Of course, my personal opinion and personal level are limited, so I may not be that forward-looking.


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