

Time:2024-02-13 Click:86

回答这个问题:不,约瑟夫·拜登总统并不是突然成为比特币的支持者。但这位八旬政治家的社交媒体团队在 Twitter/X 上发布了美国总统激光眼的照片后,正在盗用铁杆比特币支持者的形象。

这是 Node 时事通讯的摘录,该时事通讯是 CoinDesk 及其他领域最关键的加密货币新闻的每日综述。您可以在此处订阅以获取完整的新闻通讯。

亲爱的老乔的照片显然是指“黑暗布兰登”,这是民主党竞选者试图强行推行的一个模因。据 Mashable 报道:

“为了回应酋长队周日击败旧金山 49 人队,总统发布了一幅怪诞的肖像,自由派自 2022 年以来重新解释和使用了这张肖像,将拜登描绘成超级英雄……

“黑暗布兰登模因的起源是互联网的巅峰,这实际上意味着它的故事是模糊且难以追踪的。正如 Vox 在 2023 年解释的那样,该表情包似乎起源于 2021 年 10 月的 NASCAR Xfinity 系列比赛,当时 NBC 记者凯利·斯塔瓦斯特 (Kelli Stavast) 确定了人群高喊“F**k Joe拜登!”的口号。 “我们去布兰登吧!”在对获胜车手布兰登·布朗的现场采访中。”

拜登眼睛发炎,双臂交叉,牙齿闪烁,让世界感到困惑,尤其是考虑到比特币一直在上涨。该加密货币目前的交易价格处于 2021 年 12 月以来的最高水平。

另请参阅:比特币自 2021 年底以来首次突破 5 万美元

但他不是橘子丸。根据 Mashable 的说法,这个表情包是对右翼阴谋论的回应,即拜登政府将操纵超级碗,以获得亿万富翁超级巨星乡村歌手泰勒·斯威夫特的支持。如果这没有意义,那么恭喜你;把所有的空闲时间都花在网上,你的大脑并没有烂掉。

快速揭开谜底:曾在 2020 年为拜登竞选的斯威夫特最近开始与堪萨斯城酋长队的近端锋特拉维斯·凯尔斯 (Travis Kelce) 约会,后者在冠状病毒大流行期间进行了公开宣传,试图说服他的粉丝接种 COVID-19 疫苗。这显然让他们都落入了蓝色巨人的口袋。

在她轰动一时的 Eras 巡演之后,斯威夫特已经乘上了新的名气浪潮,该巡演被广泛认为是有史以来票房最高的音乐会系列。唯一可以提高她的声誉,从而帮助她洗脑粉丝投票给拜登的事情就是,如果她的男朋友是今年收视率最高的电视直播赛事的获胜团队的一员。



To be fair to Bitcoiners who got over excited by another politician posting laser eyes, two years after the joke stopped being relevant, Biden’s social media team’s “meme” wasn’t exactly easy to parse. But if there was any group that should have been in-the-know, it should have been crypto fanatics.

After all, one of the biggest proponents of the idea that Swift and Kelce are in a sham relationship only for Biden’s benefit was Vivek Ramaswamy, who was the Crypto Candidate before dropping out of the race. He wrote last month on X: "I wonder if there’s a major presidential endorsement coming from an artificially culturally propped-up couple this fall."

Almost all the top posts to Biden’s “meme” (can it be a meme if only democratic insiders can pick up on it?) were crypto/financial influencers asking “What is happening” or “Thought this was Joe Biden (Parody) at first.” How quickly we forget. Biden’s account has posted Dark Brandon a few times, and everytime the same people respond the same way — each time their dopamine receptors seem a little more fried.

You do have to wonder why Biden’s social media team is copying crypto’s aesthetics. Is he trying to reconnect with a potentially large voter base after previously calling upon the whole of government to bring crypto in line? Is he trying to bait a “single-issue” voter base who is likely not going to back him anyway? Is he trying to woo Sen. Lummis?

See also: Why the Politics of Crypto Feels Different This Time

Social media is a powerful force for connecting to constituents, though it can backfire. It's notable that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis essentially based his failed presidential campaign around internet-tinged culture war issues, even choosing to announce his bid on a Twitter/X live voice chat alongside super-poster Elon Musk.

Choosing what to post in electoral politics is often a question of choosing how to post, whether you're willing to debase yourself by trying to seem "with it" or sticking to more promotional language. To some extent, Dark Brandon's laser eyes shows how culture is created online, often as a bottom-up phenomenon of people who share interests (like the idea that bitcoin could hit $100K if everyone believes hard enough).

It seems like an unlikely coincidence given the prominence of the “laser eyes” meme, which has been sported by elected officials as well as corporations like Franklin Templeton to signal their support of Bitcoin. But nothing seems out of the question these days when it comes to contemporary U.S. politics.

标签:比特币 总统

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