Time:2024-01-28 Click:148
首先买房,在市中心买一块大平层,500平米左右,聘请最专业的设计师设计装修风格。 唯一的目标就是拥有高端的风格……
下一步是买车。 作为币圈低调神秘的富豪,U8低调不张扬,特别适合气质成熟的我。
有人说美女。 虽然我是个正常人,不懂得乱搞,但每次一想,我现在就不缺钥匙了。
然后我就投资了币圈。 除了留下200万作为家庭风险保障基金外,剩下的都投入到币圈了,大概是1000万左右:
这次熊市直接买比特币500万,买以太坊200万,买L2和我看好的公链。 去中心化金融项目。
在币圈赚2000万很难吗? 当然,这并不难...
但这不仅仅对大型机构和大资本来说是困难的。 他们的本金可能有数亿。
对于低水平的散户来说,你在币圈仅仅几万块钱就赚到2000万基本上是不可能的。 大家应该尽快放弃这种不切实际的幻想。
有人说,某某只用几万美元,就在加密货币行业赚了几千万。 你真的看过他的银行对账单吗?你确定你认识这个人吗?
我告诉你,币圈造就了很多网红,他们之所以赚钱,其实就是包装的。 大家要思考一个问题,如果我有几千万甚至上亿的资产,我已经吃太多了。 你还在知乎、公众号等各大平台创作内容吸引粉丝吗?
我可以用这笔钱进行投资理财吗? 每天窝在家里不舒服吗?
也许你会说,你看某枚币,如果我喝多了,在这个位置买的话,它会涨几千倍、几万倍,我现在已经赚了几千万了。 。
As a retail investor, you actually only have so much capital. Even if you are the chosen one, for example, if you buy PEPE, when the currency rises three times, will you resist selling?
If you have endured it, can you hold it back ten times? Can you hold back 100 times?
100% of retail investors will be out of the game when the price rises about ten times. Only those who have already gained money can be considered as real money. Projects like the currency circle that rise crazily will be equally crazy when they fall.
Now that you have made a profit and are out, the subsequent increase of 10,000 times has nothing to do with you.
Unless you are a banker or very rich, these hundreds of thousands are meaningless, and you don’t even want to touch them, so just leave them alone...
This way they will eat up more profits.
Or you forgot your private key and only remembered it when it increased ten thousand times;
Or he was caught committing a crime and was imprisoned for three months before being released...
In addition, it is impossible for us to have the opportunity to have free wealth in the currency circle. Good investors can make a living here, at least making more money than you do as a working family.
Finally, after earning 20 million, will I quit the industry and live a free life?
Of course not, we are not pigs, we eat and sleep for a long time.
After we have a material foundation, we still need spiritual needs, but by then our circle and vision will have risen to a higher level.
Because of this, if you maintain a humble attitude towards learning, you will not be able to protect 20 million, and you will still be a pauper in a few years.
Some people complain about being poor every day, but little do they know that being poor is actually more suitable for their life, while being rich will ruin your life.
This is life, this is the currency circle.
Walking alone is lonely, leeks need to walk in groups. The bull market is coming, and the Thirteen Free Community welcomes everyone to join us, move forward hand in hand, live up to this bull market, and embrace the uncertain future with a certain unity.
Come on, currency circle people,
Welcome to follow: minus thirteen degrees
Travel through the bulls and bears together, and see through the world of the currency circle.