Time:2024-01-24 Click:169
灰度的胆子越来越大,单日流出额达到6.4亿美元,为迄今为止最高。 1月23日晚,美国股市开盘,灰度上班。 美国股市开盘一小时后,灰度地址向 CB 发送了 15,221 BTC,相当于约 5.88 亿美元。 1月22日是灰度GBTC迄今为止最大的资金流出,流出6.4亿美元,其他现货ETF总计流入5.62亿美元。
加拿大证券管理局(CSA)就投资加密货币的基金新规则发布了咨询意见,该意见将根据资产是否在受监管的交易所交易或是否交易相关衍生品来限制哪些加密资产有资格投资。 CoinShares周报显示,上周数字资产投资产品流出2100万美元,美国流入2.63亿美元,加拿大和欧洲流出2.97亿美元,表明有少量资产转移到美国。 ARK Invest 周一购买了 2105 万美元的现货 ETF。 CoinShares研究助理Luke Nolan表示,Dencun升级后,L2采用了新的blobspace机制,大大降低了gas成本,这意味着销毁的ETH更少,从而对ETH供应量的增长产生影响。 dForce创始人杨民道发表声明称,MtGox将在未来两个月内解锁20万枚BTC,用于支付债权人。 DWF Labs 合伙人 Andrei Grachev 表示,正如我们现在所看到的,加密货币的春天有时会下雪。 随着1月31日美国财政部公布季度再融资公告,再过农历新年,ETH ETF预期减半,如果能获得折扣交易机会并以低估值进行投资,现在又是一个好时机。 The Consensus 创始人 Kiarash Hossainpour 表示,Grayscale 的抛售压力为 281,045 BTC,约合 120 亿美元。 大约 38,000 BTC(以摄氏度计)和大约 20,500 BTC(以 FTX 计价)将转换为美元。 Cryptocom市场规模报告称,全球虚拟资产用户和持有者数量从2022年的4.32亿增加到2023年底的5.8亿。尽管长期疲软,全球加密货币用户仍大幅增长34%。
In the evening, the U.S. stock market opens and Huidu goes to work. One hour after the U.S. stock market opened, the Grayscale address sent 15,221 BTC to Coinbase, equivalent to approximately $588 million. Fidelity FBTC has an inflow of 3,957 BTC (approximately $154 million), and Fidelity currently holds 33,864 BTC (approximately $1.32 billion). January 22 was the largest capital outflow of Grayscale GBTC so far, with an outflow of US$640 million. Other spot ETFs had a total inflow of US$562 million, and the net outflow of spot ETFs was US$77.35 million. BlackRock IBIT had a net inflow of US$260 million in a single day, and Fidelity FBTC had a net inflow of US$158 million in a single day. So far, the total amount of Grayscale outflows exceeds 3.45 billion US dollars. Grayscale released an update on its holdings. As of January 22, 2024, the number of BTC it held was 552,681.2268, totaling US$22.1751 billion. The total trading volume of the ten spot BTC ETFs in the first seven trading days reached US$18.7798 billion. The trading volume of the spot BTF ETF remains strong, with trading volume exceeding US$2 billion on January 22. Ali said that except for Grayscale, all BTC ETF issuers purchased more than 86,320 BTC at an average price of $42,000, with a total investment of $3.63 billion. This level of institutional investment indicates a long-term strategic view. The scale of Grayscale’s sales is difficult to predict. In the external environment, traders expect the probability of the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in March to fall to about 40%. Goldman Sachs still insists that interest rates will begin in March and the inflation rate will reach the 2% target. Central banks in Europe and the United Kingdom will also follow the Fed.
摩根大通将2024年下半年降息预期从100个基点上调至125个基点,并预测金价将在下半年创出新高,称“金价的任何回调”未来几个月应该被视为突破性反弹之前的买入。” 机会”,金价预计第四季度均价为2,175美元,涨势将持续到2025年,2025年第三季度季度均价峰值为2,300美元/盎司。瑞银预计2024年金价将达到2,250美元(当前黄金价格为2025美元),2023年利率暂停的环境下,黄金将上涨10%左右,饼增加约160%,饼的涨幅约为黄金的16倍;目前黄金市值约为饼市值的17倍,在2024年降息的环境下,投行预计金价将再次上涨10%,市值越小,波动越大。如果2023年的走势继续下去,今年年底前饼价有望达到金价十倍,美股持续下跌近一个月,刚刚经历的三个交易日抹去了1月份的所有损失。 灰度越战越勇,与其他十只现货ETF竞争,已突破4万美元。 如果加密原生灰度获胜,下一个门槛将是 30,000 美元; 如果贝莱德/富达等以投行为主的10只现货ETF胜出,下一个门槛将是5万美元。 短期来看灰度有优势,长期来看传统机构有优势。 牛市并不瞄准短期低点。 老者很平静,无非就是用时间换取空间高点而已。