Time:2024-01-05 Click:155
通常,最珍贵的宝石是最难找到的。 这种逻辑也适用于 加密货币投资 ,有价值的 加密货币 有时会被大多数人忽视。
基于此推理,Finbold 将目光投向了 加密货币市场 资本额低于 10 亿美元的低市值项目。 值得注意的是,我们发现三种加密货币具有坚实的基础和相对较低的感知价值。
过去,市值低于 10 亿美元的资产在几天内就能突破这一心理阻力。 有趣的是,有些人通过纯粹的投机需求实现了这一目标,没有坚实的基本面,例如 Pepe (PEPE) 以及最近的 Bonk (BONK) 和 Ordi (ORDI)。
然而,以下列表将重点关注能够吸引公用事业有机需求的项目。 特别是,2024 年最值得关注的三种市值低于 10 亿美元的加密货币是 Nano ( XNO )、Radix ( XRD ) 和 IoTeX ( IOTX )。
Nano 促进了免费的即时交易,以无与伦比的速度和效率彻底改变了去中心化支付。 此外,XNO 已于 2015 年至 2017 年全面发行,推出了一种没有供应通胀的加密货币。 它是由 Colin LeMahieu 于 2014 年启动的一个开源项目,目前由 志愿者 支持者社区推动。
与此同时,nano 在推出后不到一年的时间内就从 0.005742 美元涨至 37.73 美元,这是一场完全投机性的 牛市反弹 。 该网络在接下来的几年中进行了测试和改进,尽管价格表现不佳,但仍建立了一个充满热情的社区。
截至发稿时,XNO 的交易价格为 1.14 美元,市值为 1.51 亿美元。 跻身前 300 名加密货币之列,并以最有效的方式提供可靠的去中心化点对点交易。
基数 (X射线衍射)
Radix 正在创新 DeFi 领域,为Web3
值得注意的是,Radix 拥有面向资产的交易模式,有望消除 DeFi 当前的大部分障碍。 它是以太坊 ( ETH
,由 Dan Hughes 设计,旨在解决
领先的 Web3 加密货币
Radix 的开发始于 2013 年,在推出之前经过了十年的研究。
Price-wise, XRD has a short life, with its first trading record being on June 2, 2022, at around $0.01597 per wrapped token on the Ethereum network. Radix mainnet’s life is even shorter, going live on September 29, 2023, finally with XRD as its native token. As of writing, XRD is trading at $0.0422 after reaching an all-time high of $0.1565 per token.
Finally, IoTeX is driving the Internet of Things (IoT) forward. Its blockchain technology unlocks secure, private, and interoperable devices, revolutionizing how we interact with smart gadgets.
Its developing team promises to provide the link with the real world through the IoTeX blockchain and smart devices. The solution was launched in 2019 after starting as an open-source project in 2017 and is one of the few projects really connecting its blockchain to the Internet of Things through real devices and demand.
Notably, the native token IOTX trades at $0.05 by press time. Trading for as high as $0.26 in 2022 and as low as $0.001 during 2020’s crash.
On the other hand, the three aforementioned cryptocurrencies represent high-risk assets from an investment perspective. This is due to their low market cap and liquidity, bringing high volatility and uncertainty from a speculative perspective.
In conclusion, investors must act cautiously while investing in sub-$1 billion market cap cryptocurrencies. Doing their due diligence and understanding what they are investing in is a must, as well as applying proper risk management strategies.