
2024 年最值得购买的 1 美元以下 3 种加密货币

Time:2023-12-22 Click:130


这种现象类似于传统股市 12 月底到 1 月初被称为“圣诞老人集会”的飙升,在加密货币市场中也出现了这种现象。


例如,比特币在这些时期表现出不同的行为:它在 2011 年、2013 年、2019 年和 2020 年等年份出现了显着的价格上涨,而相比之下,在 2014 年、2015 年、2021 年和 2022 年等年份,其价值大幅下跌。

在这个节日背景下,Ripple (XRP)、Polygon (MATIC)、Sui (SUI) 和 ScapesMania 等山寨币脱颖而出,成为 2024 年值得考虑的潜在投资机会,每种价值均低于 1 美元。

与 ScapesMania 一起驾驭创新浪潮


ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一个平衡良好、精心设计的项目,充当游戏生态系统。

通过 DAO 治理,支持者将能够影响价值数十亿美元的行业并从中受益。

广泛的功能与最好的技术、专业的团队以及长期、雄心勃勃的愿景相结合,可以使 ScapesMania 成为加密领域的下一个重大事件。


预售现已开始 – 立即加入,即有机会受益于 MANIA

在屡获殊荣的开发团队的支持下,ScapesMania 代表着透明度:每个成员的社交媒体资料都是公开的。


推动客户参与并确保每个人都通过出色的代币经济和丰厚的奖励受益,这使得 ScapesMania 成为一个拥有光明未来的项目。



一位著名的加密货币分析师对 Ripple (XRP) 做出了大胆的预测,预测该数字货币将出现显着增长——这种乐观情绪部分是由于 Ripple 最近在 7 月份与 SEC 的法律诉讼中取得了部分胜利,这对其市场价格产生了积极影响。

As of now, Ripple (XRP) is trading below its initial target price of $0.85, fluctuating within the range of $0.538 to $0.711. The current trends, as indicated by moving averages, suggest stability in its value: the 10-Day one is at $0.618, and the 100-day one sits at $0.576. Key support levels have been identified at $0.471 and $0.298, while resistance levels are at $0.815 and $0.988.

The analyst envisions an 800% increase in Ripple's (XRP) value aiming for a target of around $5.5 within the next two weeks. This ambitious projection is contingent upon Ripple (XRP) successfully breaking and retesting certain crucial price levels, and not dropping below the Fibonacci 0.236 level ($0.45) in the weekly charts. However, one should exercise caution with such predictions as they are speculative in nature and the crypto market is known for its volatility and unpredictability.

Polygon (MATIC): Weathering the Whale's Impact

Recently, Polygon (MATIC) experienced a significant market event when a major holder transferred 35 million MATIC to BNB – this action sparked concern among investors and contributed to a drop in Polygon’s (MATIC) price, highlighting the market's sensitivity to large-scale transactions by major holders.

Currently, Polygon (MATIC) is trading in a price range between $0.592 and $0.957. The 10-day Moving Average stands at $0.827, while the 100-day Moving Average is at $0.684. The support levels have been established at $0.057 and $0.422, with resistance levels sitting at $1.151 and $1.516.

Despite the recent sell-off, leading analysts have observed a significant triangle breakout pattern in Polygon's (MATIC) trading activity, indicating a potential bullish trend. If Polygon (MATIC) manages to maintain a value above the long-term target of $1, it could potentially see an increase of up to 535%; however, reaching this ambitious target will depend on the market overcoming current challenges and retaining investor confidence.

Sui (SUI): Leveraging Blockchain for Sustainability

In the realms of blockchain and environmental sustainability, Sui (SUI) is making significant strides – it has formed a partnership with Fils, a project dedicated to reducing carbon emissions and supporting the United Arab Emirates' targets for the Conference of the Parties (COP28). By innovatively employing blockchain technology to track carbon credits, Sui (SUI) is positioning itself as a progressive and environmentally-conscious player in the crypto market.

As for its market performance, Sui (SUI) is currently fluctuating between $0.452 and $0.715. The 10-day Moving Average stands at $0.651, while the 100-day Moving Average is at $0.52. The support levels for Sui (SUI) are set at $0.045 and $0.308, whereas its resistance levels are marked at $0.833 and $1.096.

与 Fils 的合作以及对可持续发展的关注可能是 Sui (SUI) 未来增长的关键驱动力——通过提供强调环境可持续性的高速、可扩展解决方案,Sui (SUI) 正在以下市场中为自己开辟一个利基市场:越来越关注环境、社会和治理 (ESG) 因素。

Sui (SUI) 锁定新合作伙伴的敏锐能力及其在科技领域的良好记录可能会严重动摇其未来的市场地位。


随着 2024 年的临近,加密货币市场随着季节性节奏和过去的模式而舞动,描绘出一幅充满成功的黄金镜头和棘手障碍的场景。

在价格低于 1 美元的著名加密货币中,Ripple (XRP)、Polygon (MATIC)、Sui (SUI) 和 ScapesMania 正在成为强有力的竞争者。


Polygon (MATIC) 在应对市场敏感性和大型投资者(通常被称为“鲸鱼”)的影响方面发挥着至关重要的作用;

Sui (SUI) 因专注于可持续发展和创新区块链技术而脱颖而出;

相比之下,ScapesMania 以其新颖的方法赢得了游戏领域的关注,这一策略在预售阶段取得了可喜的业绩。


它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。

标签:加密 加密货币 美元 货币

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