
Blockchain Join New Energy

Time:2022-10-19 Click:213

New energy (NER) is a variety of energy other than traditional energy. NER is Blockchain Enabling New Energy.NER aims to invest in companies and projects in the field of new energy and provide income for NER holders. Such as investing in companies and projects that are developing and researching solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, ocean energy, biomass energy and nuclear fusion energy. So that all ordinary people can participate in new energy projects and get benefits from the projects.
NER TOKEN:0x6891Edb5E93A0F7ECcC97A2d9D93770012B5C113
Project Creator:A descendant of Ben Graham, the father of value investment
Offcial TG:https://t.me/NEROffcial

标签:ai bloc

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