本文基于具有相对稳定价值的加密资产级生态系统提出了五项关键建议: 1)加密资产服务提供商应该获得许可、注册和授权,其客户资产与公司自身资产需要区分,并与其他职能隔离; 2)执行多种职能的实体应该遵守额外的审慎要求,应严格遵守信息披露要求; 3)稳定币的发行者应受到严格的审慎要求,根据稳定币的模式和规模,可能需要像银行一样的监管力度; 4)对接触和参与加密货币的金融机构应有明确的监管要求; 5)需要协调建立全球范围内的加密资产管理和监督,加强跨国与跨部门合作。
Crypto Contagion Underscores Why Global Regulators Must Act Fast to Stem Risk
Stronger financial regulation and supervision, and developing global standards, can help address many concerns about cryptoassets.
Bo Li, Nobuyasu Sugimoto
18 January 2023
The already volatile world of crypto has been upended anew by the collapse of one of its largest platforms, which highlighted risks from cryptoassets that lack basic protections.
The losses punctuated an already perilous period for crypto, which has lost trillions of dollars in market value. Bitcoin, the largest, is down by almost two-thirds from its peak in late 2021, and about three-quarters of investors have lost money on it, a new analysis by the Bank for International Settlements showed in November.
During times of stress, weve seen market failures of stablecoins, crypto-focused hedge funds, and crypto exchanges, which in turn raised serious concerns about market integrity and user protection. And
According to Cointelegraph, Kenya is advancing towards regulating cryptocurrencies, marking a significant shif...
印度 DEA 将于 2024 年 9 月至 10 月发布一份重要的加密监管文件,旨在征求利益相关者的意见并完善政策。印度经济事务部 (DEA) 准备在 2024 年 9 月至 10 月期间发布一份重要的咨询文件,印度正准...